Real Women Real Success Stories

Sandra & Samuel
What you are doing is fantastic. You are changing people’s lives is the best possible way. There isn’t enough THANK YOU that we can possibly say. We are so grateful …
You’re always on our mind, whether it’s Christmas, Thanksgiving day or really any day of the day that we realize how lucky we are having a chance to meet you.

Holly & Peter
I have known Maria for 4 years and she has been a godsend. My Creighton practitioner had seen some biomarkers that could possibly affect my pregnancy, so she referred me to Maria shortly after I was married. After a few months of negative pregnancy tests and feeling exhausted, nauseous and overall uncomfortable, my husband and I decided to seek NaPro Technology™ with Maria.
Maria was able to see, through my charting and blood work, that my hormone levels were not normal. She walked us through the procedure and explained the treatment available. I was encouraged at each stage of improvement once I started the treatment, and knew I was doing the best thing for my health and the health of our future children. After 7 months of treatment with Maria, we happily conceived twin boys.
Given my previous history with hormone imbalance and the possibility of a high-risk pregnancy, I decided to continue with Maria for monitoring my pregnancy throughout the term. During my pregnancy, I had felt better than I had been feeling in months – I had better energy, attitude and no mood swings. Our babies were born 2 months early, as can be the case with twins. Through this whole experience, even with the twins being in hospital for one month, I had no post-partum.
My experience with Creighton and NaPro Technology™ was so enlightening that I decided to pursue learning to become a practitioner myself. I now work with Maria to help others in similar situations receive the fertility care they deserve. I am so thankful to Creighton and Maria for giving me the answer to my health concerns and providing treatment that brought about my beautiful babies.

He arrived safely on the 24th sept 8 pounds 10 ounces with big beautiful blue eyes. He has completed our family and our other kids are so in love with him and he with them. It is so heartwarming to see.
Maria thanks for everything you have done for me and my family. I will always be so grateful that our paths crossed.

Genevive & Alan
My husband and I were married in 2014 and wanted nothing more than to start a family together. We had no idea the long road that was ahead for us and the pain and disappointment that would follow.
The journey to become pregnant all started with regular visits to my Gynaecologists who would tell me when I was most fertile and that I had to be trying for at least two years before I could get a referral to a fertility clinic. Nothing worked and after two exhausting years my husband and I were finally referred to the Regional Fertility Clinic in Calgary. I was excited, finally we get to meet the experts that will give us answers and solutions but sadly that was not the case.
Unexplained Infertility was my diagnosis after years of trying. We were told that our only chance of conceiving was though IVF but since we had no coverage for it we wanted to try everything under the sun first. This was a diagnosis that haunted me for years because I felt so helpless, all of our treatments failed so we started IVF and it was not the outcome we were hoping for. We were told that the medication dose was too low and that we should do another cycle and if that didn’t work it was probably my eggs and I could consider donor eggs. At the time I was 33 years old and it was difficult to understand why a cause for my infertility could not be found and why at 33, I would have to consider donor eggs. Completely exhausted and emotionally drained from our experience with the Regional Fertility Clinic my husband and I thought their has to be a better way and lucky we found one.
A friend of mine had heard about a program called NAPRO Technology and Calgary had a specialist in the field. I was reluctant at first, if IVF, IUI, Chlomid and Letrozole cant get us pregnant why would Napro! We also did years of Naturopath, Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. When I first met with Maria I was overflowed with emotion because FINALLY we found someone who cared. I remember after leaving our first appointment that I said to my husband, I think this is going to work because we found someone who cares. Her approach was not to simply give us a blanket diagnosis but to find the cause to our infertility, treat it and get us pregnant!
Before starting Napro, I had to learn the Creighton Model which taught me so much about my cycles. From charting my cycles and Maria going though my past lab work and doing her own set of blood work and ultrasounds it was discovered that I had PCOS, finally after years of struggling with Unexplained Infertility, our diagnosis was no longer unexplained, a cause was found. It took us 6 months of charting with Maria to get pregnant, it was the first time that we had ever been pregnant, finally after 4 years and 8 months we were pregnant! it was hard to believe. Maria monitored our entire pregnancy and in 2019 we welcomed a beautiful baby girl. I strongly believe that if we had not heard about Napro we would still be at the mercy of the fertility clinic and no doctor would of taken the time to find out the initial cause of my infertility, we would of been pushed through endless cycles of IVF without the same amount of care and monitoring we received by Maria.
After I had my baby girl I struggled with post pardon depression and Maria helped me get through it with progesterone therapy, it helped immensely. To this day, I continue to use the Creighton Model to monitor my cycles and we are hoping to grow our family. I am incredibly grateful to Maria, to Napro for helping us build our family, if it can work for us it can work for so many other people.

I could not achieve pregnancy after 2 years of marriage. The doctors told us that I will not be able to pregnant except on IVF.
We were very disappointing, stressed, and hopeless until we are in the FertilityCare & Napro. The team is awesome and great care. Maria is very professional and knowledgeable and I reached pregnancy after 3 months of treatments.
Our baby is now 6 months old. She is a very healthy and happy baby who brings joy to our family.

Emilia and Joseph
My husband Jon and I had been trying to conceive for almost three years before we were connected with Maria and Napro. Those three years were very challenging. Because we were using NFP I was convinced that our infertility was caused by progesterone deficiency. Unfortunately every doctor and specialist I spoke with informed me there was nothing they could do, prescribed things to alleviate the symptoms I was experiencing, and in the end diagnosed me with “unexplained infertility”.
It was a long and painful journey. One day my mom told me about a program she had just watched about Napro Technology. I did a quick search online and got connected with a Creighton practitioner who, after a few months of charting, referred me to Maria. It was so refreshing to finally have someone not only investigate the issues I was having but actually identify concretely that I was progesterone deficient and then come up with a plan to help address those issues.
5 months after our first consult with Maria, we stood in our bathroom staring with stunned expressions at a positive pregnancy test! Maria followed me closely throughout the pregnancy via regular bloodwork and provided progesterone support to ensure I carried the baby to term.
We had our first beautiful daughter, Madeline, late 2018…and August 2020 we just had our second daughter, Abigail, also with the help of Maria and Napro! We are so thankful to Maria and Napro for helping us grow our family!

Deborah and John
I cannot believe my daughter is about to be 4 at the end of February 2021, where has the time gone!! I remember getting ready to go the hospital to be induced at 38 weeks. We got there, got induced and waited 6 hours to see if anything would happen. Surprise, nothing happened and home we went. 6 hours later back we went for the second round, and once again nothing happened and home we went again!! Oh man we were in for a big surprise. I sit down in the kitchen, and I hear a big “POP”, not sure what that was so I asked my husband and my parents if they had heard it. They heard nothing, but as soon as I stood up “SWOOSH” my water broke with a vengeance, and off to the hospital we go again.
Why do I start my story there you ask, well why not? It’s nice to start on a positive note I think, rather than starting from the beginning that was so very hard.
My husband and my road to parenthood was not as easy as I thought it was going to be. We figured we would get married and start trying for kids right away, which we did. Time was not something we had on our side; we were both older, so we knew that waiting was not an option. On our baby road we went!! We were married in February and in April I became pregnant. I couldn’t believe it, God had blessed us, and we were over the moon with joy and happiness, but that was to be short lived. A week after finding out the happy news, I miscarried. My blessing had turned into one of the saddest days of my life and I wasn’t prepared for the aftermath of sadness and despair that I felt.
We remembered learning about the Creighton method, and Naprotechnology, during our family planning session at our marriage prep classes. Not thinking that we had any problems, I was stubborn and was reluctant to ask for help. Finally, we did! We reached out and made an appointment with our Creighton consultant, who has become a friend and someone I depended on during the hard times of our road of infertility. We both learned so much about the female body and the reproductive system, that we were in true awe of everything. A few months of charting and bloodwork was done for the naprotechnologist to truly understand what was going on. That was when we met Maria.
She helped us understand what was going on with me, and made me feel like I was not alone, and unworthy of having a baby. Seven months into napro, we found out I was pregnant again! We were truly blessed and on cloud 9, knowing that we were finally going to get the family that we wanted. Blood work was done, and yes, I was definitely pregnant! I felt great and was taking the necessary progesterone to help me keep this baby. Christmas came around and we had decided to tell our families. I was almost 3 months, so I thought why not! I wish we would have waited. We went in for our ultrasound and the technician didn’t tell us anything, I knew this couldn’t be good news. To make things worse we had to go see a Doctor who we didn’t know and frankly didn’t like, to already tell me what I already knew – there was no heartbeat and that we had lost the baby.
My heart shattered into a million pieces and I remember crying so hard that I thought I was going to fall to the floor. My poor husband, who has always been my biggest supporter, and who is always trying to be so strong for me, had tears in his eyes and was holding me up. That was a day that I will never forget. The doctor had told us that I would have to have a D&C because I wasn’t passing it on my own. That day came and the procedure was done, our baby was no longer inside of me, and I was left with the biggest hole in my heart.
I was in a major depression and I forgot how to feel anything but sadness for a couple of weeks. It was a horrible time, and I didn’t know how to get out of the hole I was in. I knew I had to get back to work and get back to living eventually, but I didn’t want to. Then there was the question “do I want to try again?” I honestly didn’t want to, knowing the chances of another miscarriage. There was no way that I would be able to handle that again. With the help of my Creighton consultant, and the love on my husband, I was able to dig myself out and join the world again.
We were told that we would have to wait a full cycle before trying again if that’s what I wanted to do. It was a long month or three before I finally decided that we will give it one more shot. I’ll never forget my husband telling me “if we don’t give it one more try, then we might regret not trying again.” He was right!! Because of him, and Maria, we tried again. Maria kept an eye on me and what I was doing, and I was doing everything that she had told us to do in regard to napro. It was a hard road, but it was all worth the shots and medications.
I am a person who has no patience, especially for something that I wanted so badly. Every month that went by with no positive pregnancy test, was heart breaking and stressful, but I kept telling myself, that if it’s meant to be, and if it is in God’s plan for us to be parents, that it would happen.
It was a hot June morning, and I remember something told me to go take a test. As always, I expected it to be negative. That made it hard to believe when it showed positive. I didn’t allow myself to believe it or even get excited. I showed my husband, and he did confirm that indeed it was positive. We were both elated with joy, but we both knew that we had a long road ahead of us. We had been here before only to have our hearts pulled out of chests. So no excitement till we saw the doctor, OUR doctor, whom we trusted and respected. The pregnancy was confirmed, and my HCG numbers kept going up and up.
It would have been around the 7-8 week mark when we were to go in for our first ultrasound. That was the most nerve wrecking day of my life. We went in, I laid on the bed not wanting to look at the monitor for the fear that the usual would happen and that this wasn’t a viable pregnancy. I held onto my husbands’ hand and just looked at him. Then the words came out of the technician’s mouth, so quickly (I’ll never forget that), “there’s the heartbeat!” I looked at the monitor, and I couldn’t believe it. There was our baby, our miracle with the strong little heartbeat, that I had been waiting for so long to hear and see. I cried and cried, all good tears, and my husband was crying, although, he tried to hold it back. Who are we kidding it wasn’t going to happen, the tears flowed.
From that moment till the three-month mark, was the longest time of my life. Couldn’t tell anyone, and I really couldn’t let myself breath until we knew we were in the clear. Finally, we were in the clear, and I was able to enjoy being pregnant and announce it to everyone. I was pregnant, and we were going to have a baby!!
I had a pretty easy pregnancy with a couple of exceptions. I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes and Hypertension. I also had to continue taking progesterone and doing bloodwork to keep an eye on everything. I honestly didn’t care; I would have done anything if it meant I was going to have a healthy baby. 7 months later I did!
After being told I was going to have an emergency C-Section, we finally met our daughter. She was beautiful and perfect in every way. Stella made us a family; she filled that hole in my heart.
I know that if we hadn’t used Naprotechnology, and had the support of Maria, that our miracle wouldn’t be here with us. So to Maria and Napro, we say thank you for our miracle!!

Melanie and Stuart
When working Maria we appreciated her availability. We could always reach her by email and she encouraged me greatly in a phone conversation when I had hyperemisis. It gave us peace of mind to know that our developing baby was very safe under Maria’s care.

Cindy and Louis
We owe everything to Maria Bizecki! Our family wouldn’t be what it is today without her. When I was 21 I was told by a doctor that I had PCOS and wouldn’t be able to have children. Boy was that doctor wrong!
My husband and I began working with Maria after we got married. We always wanted kids but knew we would be up against a lot of challenges given my health condition. Maria provided us with amazing support to help manage my PCOS and to help increase my fertility prior to trying to conceive. We were absolutely ecstatic when we found out we were pregnant only after one month of trying!
I truly believe Maria was able to help prime and prepare my body to help make this miracle happen. Despite being pregnant, we still weren’t over the hump yet since individuals with PCOS are at greater risk of miscarriage and pre-term birth. With Maria’s continuous monitoring and support during my pregnancy I was able to give birth to a beautiful baby girl at full term.
A couple years later my husband and I knew we wanted to try for another child, so we contacted Maria again to help us out. Boy, were we surprised when this time we were blessed with twins! She followed me throughout my pregnancy again, making sure my hormone levels remained at a healthy level especially to support a twin pregnancy. My twin boys were born happy and healthy thanks to Maria.
Maria is an amazing woman with a wealth of knowledge. She is sweet, caring, reliable and knows her stuff. My husband and I truly believe we wouldn’t have the beautiful family we have today if it wasn’t for her. Thank you, Maria, from the bottom of our hearts!